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2024-04-15 16:13:18 来源:纽扣文学 点击:0
恋恋笔记本经典台词,希望对您的生活工作有所帮助,句子仅供参考,心有所得才是真正的有所得,下面随小编一起来看下句子恋恋笔记本经典台词吧。1、在我看来 我只有三个选择 一.我可以一枪崩了他 二.我可以让他滚蛋 或者是三...我离开你 任何一个都不好 因为... 不管我选择哪个 我都得不到你 可不管怎么样 我还是爱你 《恋恋笔记本》2、I know you feel lost right now but dont worry nothing is ever lost, nor can be lost. The body sluggish, aged, cold the embers left from earlier fires. shall duly flame again 《恋恋笔记本》3、茫茫人生,或有一人。陷其所爱,忘乎所以。不问初心,不为相期,不望相守,不许相依。只愿烂漫时,与子共相栖。 《恋恋笔记本》4、听着,那是我最心爱的人,我不会离开她,现在这里就是我的家,你们的母亲就是我的家。5、我不知道该怎么办,我害怕你永远不会回来了6、我觉得我们的爱能让我们实现所有愿望。7、爱情没有那么多借口,如果最终没能在一起,只能说明爱的不够。 《恋恋笔记本》8、Noah:I'll be here. I'll never leave you.9、Allie:Do you think that our love can create miracles?10、我会陪着你,我永远不会离开你。11、Noah:I'll always come back.12、Allie:I didn't know what to do. I was afraid you were never coming back13、If youre a bird,Im a bird. 《恋恋笔记本》14、Allie:I need to ask you something.15、your mother is my home 《恋恋笔记本》16、你觉得我们的爱能把我们一起带走吗?17、能,每次将你带回我身边的正是我们的爱。18、Noah:Yes, I do. That's what brings you back to me each time.19、你觉得我们的爱能够创造奇迹吗?20、Noah:I think our love can do anything we want it to.21、但是在一件事情上,我比其他任何人都要成功,我全心全意地爱着一个人,而且对我来说,这就足够了。 《恋恋笔记本》22、Ive loved another with all my heart and soul and for me that has always been enough 《The Notebook》23、Life isnt about how to live through the storm,but how to dance in the rain. 《恋恋笔记本》24、要是我什么都不记得了怎么办?你会做什么?25、Allie:What's gonna happen when I can't remember anything any more? What will you do?26、Look, guys, that's my sweetheart in there. I'm not leaving her. This is my home now. Your mother is my home.27、Allie:Do you think our love could take us away together?以上就是关于句子恋恋笔记本经典台词的全部内容,再次感谢您的阅读,祝您生活工作愉快。



